Catholic Book Publishing

Catholic Book Publishing

Today, as the largest and leading liturgical publisher, Catholic Book continues to assist religious orders by creating, developing, and producing custom editions for their communities. We work tirelessly to achieve a finished product that clergy and religious can truly call their own — whether the quantity is in the hundreds or the thousands. Our range of customization includes Altar Missals, Lectionaries, Rules, Founder Biographies, and Prayer Books.

All members of our dedicated editorial, design, and production teams share Catholic Book’s commitment to quality. It is their attention to every detail that provides the customized care that has become the hallmark of these editions. Total customer satisfaction is the reward for their efforts. We deeply appreciate your ongoing trust and confidence in our products and look forward to meeting your needs for years to come. NEW WEBSITE

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Showing 1–45 of 101 results

Showing 1–45 of 101 results