Sock Religious

Sock Religious

Scott and Elisabeth launched their business at NCYC 2017 and aren’t looking back. Madison is a critical member on our team and is the most talented graphic designer on this side of the Mississippi. She makes our socks beautiful! It started with Scott always trying to match his sock with the holiday, time of the year, or special event.

We love our Catholic faith which celebrates more feasts than anyone else, so it was a natural fit. We hope to roll out new socks on a regular basis with your favorite saints. Sock Religious is a perfect gift for Confirmation candidates, your pastor, your favorite Catholic, and don’t forget to “treat yoself”.

Sock Religious aims to bring the faith to the workplace and to spice up your Sunday best. NEW WEBSITE

We have a new shopping experience ready for you!

Please visit us @ to use our new store!

This current site will remain up with links to help forward you to the same product on the new site.

Checkout capability has been disabled on this site. All orders submitted will be processed normally. To continue shopping please navigate to our new site. God Bless!

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