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Bernadette: Princess of Lourdes – DVD




It’s February 11, 1858. Three girls from Lourdes, France, gather firewood in front of a grotto. Suddenly one of them, Bernadette Soubirous, 14, drops to the knees, gazes ecstatically at something beautiful only she can see, and starts to pray. Soon the town buzzes: Has Bernadette, poor, sickly, and always behind in school, really seen a Lady from Heaven? The police chief is angry, the pastor busy, and the crowd amused, but Bernadette is calm and brave. Then a spring bubbles up from nowhere and withered arms and sightless eyes are cured. At last, the Lady tells Bernadette her name: “I am The Immaculate Conception.” Bernadette, The Princess of Lourdes is the exciting true story of a visit by the Queen of Heaven that left all the world a source of health for body and soul. Animated Color Video.

This DVD contains the following language options: English, Spanish or French.


Product Details

Product Code: POLM

Format: DVD

ISBN/UPC: 9781568140636

Size (HxW): 7.5 x 5.3 x 0.5

Publication date: January 01, 2018

Duration: 30 min

Weight: 3.04 oz