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Divine Threads: My Journey of Faith and Blessings – by Pedro Camilo Simoes, SAC with Denise Mercado


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Who are the Pallottines and why are they important to the Catholic faith?
Divine Threads: My Journey of Faith and Blessings is the life story of Father Pedro Camilo Simoes, SAC. Father Camilo, as he is best known, grew up in the Indian state of Goa. At a very young age, he responded to the call to become a priest. At that time, he was introduced to the Pallottine Fathers and began a long journey to his day of Ordination. Father Camilo’s story includes his service to the mission parishes in India as well as his nine-year tenure as a provincial for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Province of the Pallottine Fathers and Brothers in Bengaluru, India.

Father Camilo has traveled extensively bringing the love, dedication, and support of the Pallottines to distant lands. Discover, through Father Camilo’s story, the history of the Pallottine Fathers and the impact they have on our world today.

Father Camilo presents a sense of gratitude, despite the many ups and downs of his life. In all things, he acknowledges the presence of God. Through his writing, you, too, will experience a sense of gratitude and recognition for God’s goodness.