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Friends of God – Homilies by Josemaria Escriva




By St. Josemaria Escriva 


Friends of God offers a collection of homilies by St. Josemaría Escrivá that helps you develop a strong, lasting friendship with the God who is close to us. St. Josemaría gives you a broad picture of the basic human and Christian virtues, so that you can not only follow closely in our Lord’s footsteps, but establish and maintain a filial dialogue with God. Each of his homilies here are not only heartfelt conversations with the Christian who is immersed in ordinary life, but also a prayerful colloquy with God. With a masterful pastor’s hand, St.Josemaría combines theological depth with evangelical clarity. He gives you here not only a lesson in doctrine, but an introduction to essential aspects of the Christian life. Simple, compassionate, and profound, these homilies are a full expression of St. Josemaría’s passionate, expansive love for God. 

ISBN: 9780933932838