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Juan Diego: Messenger of Guadalupe – DVD




DVD from CCC of America tells the true story of the appearance of Our Lady in 1531 to the humble Aztec Indian Juan Diego on the Tepeyac Hill in Mexico. With outstanding animation this film tells of the great miracle Our Lady of Guadalupe performed on the tilma of Juan Diego to convince the Bishop to build a shrine in her honor to help bring the Faith to the Mexican people. Today the miraculous tilma can still be seen in the Basilica in Mexico City.

This DVD contains the following language options: English, Spanish or French.


Product Details

Product Code: JDMGM

Format: DVD

ISBN/UPC: 717339000723


Size (HxW): 7.5 x 5.3 x 0.5


Publication date: January 01, 2018

Duration: 30 min

Weight: 3.2 oz