Contact Us... Store Vacation

St. Anthony’s will be Closed from Monday, July 1 to Sunday, July 7 for Vacation and to celebrate Independence Day.
We will Reopen on Monday, July 8 at 9:30 am.

Online Orders will be accepted during vacation hours, but will NOT begin processing until we return on July 8.
We will prioritize Express orders and then by the date received.
God Bless America!
Happy Birthday, Sylvia!

Las Vidas de los Santos


4 in stock


Este volumen clásico, con más de 70 hermosas ilustraciones a todo color y con letra grande muy legible, puede acompañarte mientras caminas con los Santos todos los días del año.

Lee acerca de la vida de muchos santos conocidos y algunos menos conocidos.
Déjate conmover por sus breves biografías inspiradoras.
Descubre sus pruebas y triunfos, sus alegrías y tristezas.
Ora pensando en ellos.

This classic volume, with over 70 beautiful illustrations and large, easy-to-read type, can accompany you as you walk with the Saints each day of the year.

 Read about the lives of many familiar and some lesser-known Saints.
 Be moved by their short, inspiring biographies.
 Discover their trials and triumphs, their joys and sorrows.
 Pray with them in mind.


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