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Martyrs They Died For Christ By Bob And Penny Lord


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Title: Martyrs They Died for Christ
Authors: Bob and Penny Lord
Format: Paperback
320 pages

“Because of these brave Martyrs, we have a Church today; we have a country today; we have a world today. They gave their lives that our Church may survive, and spread to the four corners of the Earth.”

The Irish Martyrs Suffered persecution, famine, Martyrdom and near annihilation for their Faith.
The American Martyrs Knowing they would die, they went to bring the light of Jesus to the New World.
The Mexican Martyrs Martyrs of the 20th century, they died rather than deny the Pope and Mother Church.
The Polish Martyrs Read about the ongoing suffering and Martyrdom, the Poles endured for 51 years.
The English Martyrs They would not compromise their Church, not for the King or the country they dearly loved.
The Martyrs of Auschwitz – Edith Stein Saint – Carmelite Convert – Author – She died for her people.
Maxmilian Kolbe When as a child Our Lady offered him two crowns: purity and martyrdom – he chose both.
Archbishop Oscar Romero Martyred on the Altar.
Saint Joan of Arc – Burned at the stake. and other martyrs