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Saint Gertrude the Great: Herald of Divine Love – Anonymous


SKU: 9780895550262 Category: Tags: , , ,


A brief life of this 12th-century German Benedictine nun, the only female saint titled “The Great.” Discusses her method of prayer, some sample prayers, and covers some of her revelations. Shows the depth and sublimity of Our Lord’s love for souls who give themselves completely to Him. Contains many actual words of Our Lord from His conversations with Gertrude. Beautiful and inspiring to see how much Jesus loves us and wants to be loved! Here is a soul that never denied Him anything, who kept her baptismal innocence and so was extremely pleasing to her Divine Spouse.


Product Description


Item No:   193

Pages:   64

ISBN:   9780895550262


Publication Date:   2009

Binding:   Saddlestitch

Dimensions:   3.75 X 6 X 0.13