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The Contraception Question By Christopher West


SKU: 9781934217603 Category: Tags: , , ,


The sexual revolution came into full swing shortly after the Pill hit the market in the early 1960s. In 1968, when Pope Paul VI issued the landmark encyclical Humanae Vitae, which reiterated the Church s timeless teaching against contraception, the Catholic Church stood virtually alone against the cultural pressure to change its outdated ways. Now history itself is proving the Church s counter-cultural teaching worthy of a serious, second look, as many of the predictions made by Pope Paul VI have come to pass. With great sensitivity and insight, renowned author, speaker, and Theology of the Body expert Christopher West explains the history of this controversial issue, separates the myths from the facts, and demonstrates why following the Church’s lead is a path to a happy, healthy marriage. If you have asked the contraception question or know others who are currently struggling with it, this clear and concise presentation on the unchanging and liberating teaching of the Church provides the answers you have been looking for!