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The Little Way of Healing Love through the Passion of Jesus – the Stations of the Cross with St. Therese of Lisieux by Mary Beth Bracy




Words of hope to encourage, inspire, and uplift! Includes beautiful excerpts from St. Thérèse’s autobiography, letters, and poetry. Features breathtaking artwork for each station and pictures of St. Thérèse. Reflections to deepen your adoration and love of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Spirit-filled words of life to encourage and illuminate your soul! 

“This work …will have a healing affect on those who read it.” –Fr. Jacques Daley, OSB (Host of “The Little Flower”

& “Letters of St. Théresè”)

“In The Little Way of Healing Love, author Mary Beth Bracy invites us to walk the Way of the Cross, accompanied by St. Thérèse. At each station of the cross, those suffering from various causes are encouraged by the words of St. Thérèse, Sacred

Scripture, and Bracy’s own reflections. If you need support and understanding in your difficulties, you will discover it in these pages. Bracy will help you find your comfort and meaning in uniting yourself with Christ’s Passion and adoring Him in the Holy Eucharist. A beautiful little book!” -Connie Rossini, author of Trusting God with St. Thérèse