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The Story of St. Patrick: The Runaway Slave Who Brought the Gospel to Ireland – DVD




Far from home and at the mercy of the pirates who kidnapped him, young Patrick spends his days tending sheep and surviving wild animal attacks. That is, until he calls out to the God of his youth. Long days spent aching for home become long days talking with Jesus. After six years as a slave, Patrick hears the Holy Spirit urging him to make a daring escape from the Irish tribe and the druid priest who controls their ways. Once back home, Patrick first becomes a priest and then a bishop, but all this pales when he makes a stunning announcement: He will return to his kidnappers as a missionary! Find out why the man known as St. Patrick is credited with bringing the Gospel to Ireland in this episode of Catholic Heroes of the Faith.



• English and Spanish audio and subtitles


Catholic Heroes of the Faith is a series of animated programs for youth ages eight and older, presenting the lives of true-life heroes of the Catholic Faith. This episode of Catholic Heroes of the Faith will inspire children to stand up for their faith as well as appreciate the faithful saints that have gone before us.

Product Details

Product Code: SSPAM

Format: DVD

ISBN/UPC: 727985018812


Size: 7.5 x 5.4 x 0.6


Publication date: January 01, 2020

Duration: 30 min


Weight: 2.4 oz