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The Woman Clothed with the Sun: Our Hope – DVD




This film reveals the amazing story of the apparitions of Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolás, Argentina, between 1983-1990. Largely unknown in the English-speaking world, in 2016 Bishop Hector Cardelli of San Nicolás approved the apparitions as being of supernatural origin. These powerful Marian messages, and the popular pilgrimage site

are brought to life in this inspiring film.


Filmed on location in San Nicolás, it traces the origins of the apparitions and the spiritual impact of Mary’s messages. Rooted in Scripture and offering profound hope, you will be moved by Mary’s urgent request for our meditative praying of the Rosary, her warnings to youth about the evils of our age, and her call for repentance and consecration to her Immaculate Heart.


“A new time has started. A new hope is born; take hold of that hope. Let no one try to stand in my way. Whomever wants to follow the Lord, follow me”

–Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolás


NOTE: Many of the key interviews of local experts and witnesses at the Shrine had to be done in their native Spanish language, which uses English subtitles for translation on the film.


Product Details

Product Code: WCSM

Format: DVD


Publication date: January 01, 2021

Duration: 28 min

Weight: 3 oz