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Tragedy Of The Reformation By Bob And Penny Lord




How did 6,000,000 Catholics leave their Church? They never knew what hit them; when they learned, it was too late. This book is about the you and me who have become separated brothers and sisters in Christ through no fault of our own. It is not what we believe that separates us; it is what we do not know! Read about the Shapers and enforcers of the Reformation: Wyclif – Birth of the Protestant Reformation Hus – Hero or Heretic? Luther – Reformer or Revolutionary? Calvin – Father of Predestination Henry VIII – Defender or Defector of the Faith Religious Wars – All wars are religious wars The Huguenot Wars Battle of the Netherlands The Catholic Battle in the British Isles Ireland – Scotland – England 30 Years War Jansenism – Did he understand the harm he was doing? Gallicanism – Attack on the Papacy or was it about power? Read this book. Ask yourself Whose responsibility is it to protect the innocent lambs of God? Who will be accountable for every soul who could have been touched by word or deed? When we stand before the throne of God, how will we respond when Jesus asks “I chose you to be an instrument of hope a bridge for the lost to cross over to the one true Church, but you were too busy!” This is our Church. We belong to the family of God. Every child is our child. Each child of God lost to the Catholic Church puts another thorn on Jesus’ Heart, makes our Church the poorer, makes us weaker. We believe the Lord is calling all His children to come Home to the Roman Catholic Church, ready to live for Her, prepared to die for Her. This description may be from another edition of this product.