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Where is that in the Bible? by Patrick Madrid


SKU: 9780879736934 Category: Tags: , , , , ,


 Know Exactly What Scripture Means

In his first book for Our Sunday Visitor, noted Catholic apologist Patrick Madrid helps you:

  • Be absolutely certain your interpretation of Scripture is accurate
  • Discover how the simple sentence “I never said you stole money” can be the key to understanding the entire Bible
  • Answer any questions a non-Catholic might throw at you
  • Learn exactly what the Bible teaches about the Pope, priestly celibacy, homosexuality, abortion, salvation, and other hot topics
  • Obtain a working knowledge of Scripture so you can feel comfortable talking with Fundamentalists and Evangelicals
  • Allow the life-giving truth and power of Scripture to transform your life
  • Become an effective spokesman for the truth of Catholic teaching.

With comprehensive Scripture references, quotes from the great teachers of the Faith, tips on how to deflate even the most vehement arguments, as well as a list of verses typically used against Catholics with effective counterarguments, Where Is That in the Bible? is a great book of Scripture-based apologetics.

LOCATION: Bookcase F, shelf 6 and one with Bible Bookcase B