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Father Smith Instructs Jackson, Centennial Edition – by Archbishop John Francis Noll




Father Smith Instructs Jackson: Centennial Edition!

Over 3 million copies of this timeless classic have been sold, and it has influenced thousands of conversions. Witness the engaging and accessible interplay between a priest and a non-Catholic inquiring about the Faith. Their conversation is a masterpiece in catechesis — as Chris Jackson asks the questions generation after generation wants to ask, and Father Smith responds with wisdom, wit, Scripture references, and solid Catholic teaching. It is one-on-one catechesis at its finest, delivered in a relevant and practical context — much like Jesus himself taught.

With fresh references and updated language supplied by noted Church scholar Paul Thigpen, this is a book that Catholics and non-Catholics alike can turn to for greater personal understanding of the intricacies and nuances of the Faith.

Pages    272
Copyright    2009
ISBN    9781592764457
Item    T682