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God Bless America!
Happy Birthday, Sylvia!

Introduction to the Catechism of the Catholic Church


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SKU: 0898704855 Category: Tags: ,


This is a valuable introduction to the Catechism by the general editor of the Catechism (Schonborn) and the head of the Bishops Commission for the implementation of the Catechism (Ratzinger). Providing helpful insights on how to read and study the Catechism, this book includes a prehistory of the Catechism, an overview of its structure and contents, the major themes and methods in it, a special introduction to the four parts of the Catechism, and specific advice on how to use the Catechism. Ratzinger and Schonborn illuminate the Catechism’s teaching on faith, morals, prayer and sacraments, and how a Catholic lives those teachings in today’s world. Christoph Schönborn


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