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Introduction to the Devotion, Gifts from the Cross: Renewal Reparation Intercessory Prayer – by: Sonia Moreno Costa




By Local Author: Sonia Moreno Costa

GIFTS FROM THE CROSS The wounds in our Savior’s feet and hands And the wound that was made in His side by a lance Let us remember them daily because of Gifts From The Cross Jesus won for us:

The nail in his right hand, that we might have FAITH to believe in his name, in his Word and be saved.

The nail in his left hand, that we might have HOPE to trust in his plan when we think we can’t cope.

One nail in his feet – two wounds to bestow LOVE for God, up above, and for neighbor below.

Only one nail for LOVE bound together, you see: “What you do to the least of these, you do unto me.”

As we humbly embrace his feet to our breasts We recall we’re his servants and must do our best But the wound in his side is a wide open door To enter his HEART as we are, nothing more Just poor sorry sinners with nothing to give But our sins and our lives and the love that is his.