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Characters of the Passion – by Fulton J. Sheen


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SKU: 9781887593137 Categories: , , Tags: , , , Brand:


To give us a better understanding of the Catholic Faith, in Characters of the Passion Fulton J. Sheen returns us to Calvary. There he dramatically brings to life in a brief but penetrating characterizations many who played important roles in the “Eternal Drama of the Cross.” Peter, Judas, Pilate, Herod, Barabbas, and others make an appearance, and through them, the author shows us new aspects of the glory of the Faith. Fulton Sheen was unparalleled in his ability to combine theology, devotion, and the most profound meditations on the central events of the Christian narrative. His writing is a message of inspiration to all: to those wavering in their beliefs he brings comfort and strength; to others, he affirms the knowledge that true faith is the most powerful weapon in the world today, ever-ready to meet the challenges of modern life.


SKU: 9781887593137



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